With my age I want to spend my time wisely. I don’t want to waste time. I have to do things that I enjoy, fulfilling, meaningful, and make sense. Gratitude leads to happiness

Happiness comes from within

     We don’t  have to  wait to be happy. We can be happy now if we wanted to. When we are grateful and  thankful, it’s hard to be sad because of our  thankful attitude. Happy  people are  thankful and grateful.. They  enjoy  helping, and they’re  happy to see others succeed.

    Being thankful is beneficial to our well-being. It may reduce depression, lessen anxiety, support heart health, relieve stress, and improve  sleep according  to UCLA Health uclahealth.org/newshealth-benefits-gratitude

The best way to incorporate gratitude is to form a mindset throughout the day. It’s a little bit at a time, and it becomes a habit. We are all in the habit of saying thank you.  Adding why we are thankful for will make us happier in the long run

UCLA HEALTH uclahealth.org

A grateful heart

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